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Writer's pictureNite Tanzarn

Homemade Delights: The Adventurous Joy and Health Benefits of Home Cooking

Updated: Sep 5, 2023


My adventure into the world of homemade cooking started with the simple intention of offering our babies the healthiest food options (see The Right Start? Discover the Health Benefits of Homemade Organic Baby Food). This practice evolved into a culinary journey, where I take pleasure in creating everything from scratch, without following any recipe, whether written or unwritten. Although the health of our children was my initial motivation, further benefits such as assurance of hygiene, cost-effectiveness, variety, and the promotion of healthy eating inspired me to persist with my home cooking journey.

A Culinary Journey of Love and Discovery: The Cherry on Top

Embarking on this culinary journey brought a sense of discovery, creativity, joy, and accomplishment. Trying out new recipes, experimenting with different flavours and techniques, and crafting dishes from around the world, albeit with varying degrees of success, added an adventurous dimension to this journey. From frying samosas and mandazi (African doughnuts), grilling barbecues, baking pizzas, to steaming Asian buns - the variety seemed limitless.

However, the ultimate delight is found in the final product. Seeing the joy on my children's faces as they took a bite into a freshly made doughnut or pizza was a reward like no other. It was in these moments that I realised that the act of cooking is more than just a chore or hobby. It transforms into an expression of love and care. This realisation is the cherry on top of the adventurous journey of home cooking that I am sharing with you.

Cooking as Therapy: The Healing Power of Homemade Meals

After a long day of work or upon returning from a work trip, nothing soothes me more than the act of cooking. It's more than just a chore; it's a therapeutic process that allows me to unwind, reflect, and make sense of the world. Whether I am kneading dough for chapati, grating coconut for a cake, or chopping vegetables for a stir-fry, the rhythmic motions, the familiar smells, and the prospect of a tasty, nutritious meal at the end is incredibly calming and grounding. Cooking also provides an avenue for creativity. When I am trying to figure out a complex issue, getting my hands busy with the tactile, tangible process of cooking often helps my mind work through the problem. It is a therapeutic journey that nourishes not just our bodies, but also our minds and souls.

The Assurance of Hygiene

Being selective about what I consume when dining out made me appreciate the hygiene standards of homemade food. The occasional worry over kitchen cleanliness when eating at restaurants has sometimes led me to leave food uneaten. Thus, the control over cleanliness that home cooking provides became an additional motivation for creating my own pastries and other delicacies.

Furthermore, in an age where we are increasingly health-conscious, knowing precisely how our food is prepared is incredibly reassuring. This assurance is one of the reasons we lean towards homemade food.

Cost-Effective Delights

I remember times when I would buy pastries or pizza for the family, only to find everyone, especially the children, wanting more. Given my passion for cooking, it was natural to start making these treats at home. This not only led to significant savings but also allowed for a virtually limitless supply that could satisfy even the most insatiable of cravings.

Besides being lighter on the pocket, there is an undeniable charm to food prepared with love and care. It not only tastes better but it carries a warmth and a sense of comfort that heightens the enjoyment of every bite.

Variety is the Spice of Life

Cooking at home has afforded me the opportunity to try out countless options, primarily on a trial and error basis. This variety is not only exciting but also helps to ensure a balanced diet.

Despite owning measuring spoons, cups and even a scale at one point, I prefer to rely on my eyes to measure ingredients. I simply add a bit of this, a touch of that and stir. More often than not, I get it right, and my children tell me that I have a gift and that my food is the tastiest in the world. Don't all children feel that way about their mothers' cooking?

Frequently, the children would wander into the kitchen to discover what I was "experimenting" with that day. They still do. They argue that even when they follow my "recipes" to the letter, they cannot quite replicate the exact taste. I believe it is the spontaneous variations that make home cooking so personal and enjoyable, proving that indeed, variety is the spice of life.

Inculcating Healthy Eating Habits

Homemade food, prepared with love and careful attention, serves as one of the most effective ways to instil healthy eating habits in children. Children are more likely to develop a greater appreciation for wholesome food when they witness it being prepared at home.

When my daughter started university and moved away from home, she began to prepare a weekly budget for her meals. Interestingly, this budget included vegetables such as broccoli, cauliflower, cucumber, avocado, cherry tomatoes, and romaine lettuce! This clearly suggests that the habits nurtured through my home cooking have significantly influenced her attitude towards the health benefits and nutritional value of food.

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Is it Party Time? Mitigating Food Waste

Cooking serves a dual purpose for me: it is a source of delight and a therapeutic process that helps me destress. For cooking to fulfil this role, I often find myself preparing loads of food that leads many who visit our home to ask, 'Is it party time? When it comes to baking cookies, for example, I produce platters upon platters that take over the table. The same goes for most of my dishes, a practice that could potentially lead to food waste.

However, our home frequently welcomes a continuous flow of visitors who are more than delighted to indulge in our homemade treats. This happy circumstance significantly diminishes any potential for waste, ensuring that each lovingly prepared dish finds an appreciative palate.

Concluding Reflections

In conclusion, home cooking is a rewarding journey beyond simple meal preparation. It is a holistic process that brings multiple benefits such as hygiene, cost-effectiveness, variety, and the promotion of healthy eating habits. Even with potential challenges like food waste, with proper planning and a community of loved ones who appreciate homemade food, we can create a wholesome, fulfilling culinary experience in our homes.

Join the Conversation!

I am eager to hear your stories and insights!

1. What motivated you to start cooking homemade food?

2. How has this practice influenced your lifestyle and your family’s eating habits?

I invite you to share your experiences and tips in the comments below. Remember, every small step towards healthier eating counts, and every shared story can inspire change in someone else's life.

Feel free to share this blog post with your friends and family on social media. Let's create a community of home cooking enthusiasts together!

About the Author

Nite Tanzarn is an Independent International Consultant, with a tagline that reads: 'Gender Equality, Diversity, Inclusivity: Championing the Balance'. As a parent herself, Nite comprehends the complexities of parental guidance, which include the advantages of balanced nutrition. Drawing from her personal experiences and introspective observations, she offers insightful tips and strategies to assist other parents on their journey.

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8 comentários

28 de out. de 2023

They are tastier, cheaper and more healthy. Unfortunately, I do not have the time

Nite Tanzarn
Nite Tanzarn
31 de out. de 2023
Respondendo a

You have hit the nail on the head with the advantages of home-cooked meals: they often are tastier, cheaper, and healthier. The time constraint you mentioned is a challenge many of us face. However, there are some simple, quick recipes that even the busiest among us can whip up. Plus, meal prepping on weekends can be a real game-changer. Thank you for sharing your perspective.





28 de out. de 2023

Your writing is authentic.

Nite Tanzarn
Nite Tanzarn
28 de out. de 2023
Respondendo a

Thank you for the kind words. Authenticity is something I strive for, especially when delving into topics that resonate with so many of us. I appreciate your engagement and look forward to more insightful exchanges.





27 de out. de 2023

I remember coming to your home and finding the dining table filled with home baked goodies of all types.

Nite Tanzarn
Nite Tanzarn
27 de out. de 2023
Respondendo a

Ah, yes, the delight of a table laden with treats — cookies, muffins, cupcakes, doughnuts, and meat pies. Sometimes the joy of food isn't just about the nutritional value but the pleasure and sense of community it can bring. Thank you for reminding me of those memorable moments; it's a testament to the power of comfort food and shared experiences.





nsabimana canisius
nsabimana canisius
04 de set. de 2023

home cooking is the best

Nite Tanzarn
Nite Tanzarn
04 de set. de 2023
Respondendo a

Hi Canisius,

I could nOt agree more! Home cooking not only offers health benefits but also serves as a wonderful avenue for family bonding. It Is a space where traditions can be passed down and new culinary adventures can be embarked upon. Thank you for affirming the joys of home cooking.


Nite 🌟📝

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